
I’ve progressed more this time…

It's been interesting getting ready four our upcoming tournament.  Andy encouraged me to compete at one level higher.  That means I started out practicing several tricks I've never even been able to even get decent attempts at lacing.  As the month has progressed, I've actually been able to lace a couple reliably.  Even one of the ones I never thought I'd get, I have started having to assume I will get it so that I cushion it properly when it does land right.  End result, I routinely do tricks I never thought I would be able to, and added a couple new ones to my repertoire. 

I grabbed this pic the first time I landed a juggle.  It was quite by accident, as I was only working up to mechanics of the releasing and reacquiring the ken and the tama, but I was just as happy.  So was my teacher. ;)

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