
It’s a good idea to check for gear before you hit the road for a test drive.

Andy and I were heading through Lytle when I caught a glimpse of something fluttering to the road behind the Jeep in the rear view mirror.  Because I saw what looked like reflected light, It looked like a pice of tinfoil or something that had blown out of the Jeep.  I have a rule to always stop and check if you see or hear something odd, just in case.  So, we turned around by Angry Olive (an olive green Jeep that lives in the middle of Lytle) and lo and behold found my flashlight, still on, laying in the middle of the road!  We'd been using it up in the frame to help with the bumper job.  I guess one of us left it there (Andy!) when we pulled out to do a test drive to B&B for dinner, hahahaha.  It still works fine and just has this road scar it seems to wear proudly.  These things take a serious beating from me and just keep on shining.  PowerTac if you want to check them out.  $50-$80 and bright enough to blind you, but also options that give you light for more than a month continuous!

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