
I checked out a Jeep meetup a couple weekends ago.

It gives me ideas of what retrofits people do to them and you get to meet some experienced folks too.  There were all ranges from antique parade vehicles to new beauty's that never wheel and everything in between.  

One thing for sure, you can sure sink a lot of money into these things.  My goal is to keep mine in working order with the mostly stock setup and see what it can do, then decide if it makes sense to do anything from there.  

It came with a 4" lift and two inch bigger tires.  I am adding some protection around all four sides with the bumpers and fenders to keep repairs minimized.  From there it's possible I'll clean up the transfer case and gear ratios to match the power and better with the mods it already had.  We'll see how it goes.  I could use a little more power margin when pulling the trailer.  But I like how much it can do off road as is.  After all, it's only Ohio, not MOAB. ;)

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