
I found these in my bag…

I had forgotten they handed out the Harry Potter Jelly Belly beans at our company meetings.  These were the same idea as the bamboozled packages they used to have when the kids were little.  The box is full of two types of jelly beans that look similar.  One set is yummy, and the other set (while looking just the same) is terrible… For example lemon and rotten egg!

We used to use them as punishment for the kids.  If they misbehaved they had to go grab a random one out of the box.  The unknown of pulling one of the horrible flavors was by far the BEST way to straighten them up!

I found these one night while we were at Lakeside so we decided to pass them around and take the dare.  It lasted until a couple of us had pulled the first terrible ones… hahahahahaha.

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