
The last stop on our little side trip in India…

They asked me if I wanted to see "The Taj".  I said sure… I didn't know what they meant for sure.  THIS is the Taj Mahal.  Taj is tomb in their language.  I would say, that's quite a tomb! It's made of marble.  It was actually challenging to get the right exposure because of how much the sun reflected off the white.  I was really happy with how this shot turned out.  We got to walk all around the face and the plaza level.  Quite an amazing experience.  

Of course that is offset by when I turned 180º from taking this shot, I was looking at the human waste laying in the gutter along the road… Some of the most beautiful and most terrible sights, all in the same instant at various points along my journey.  In the end, it was a great trip, I loved the food, enjoyed the people, learned a lot, and made a few friends I still hear from every once in a while.  
RetroBlog 2006-12-11

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