
Sometimes you just get lucky!

Imagine getting to spend the night in a palace… We were on a flight in between two cities in India.  We landed to pick up the next group of passengers, but they couldn't get the prop brake released to re-start the engines.  So we went to plan B and rented a car and planned on driving.  However, you can't really drive in this area at night.  So the airline paid for a night in the nearest hotel.  The nearest hotel happened to be THIS one, that used to be a palace for British royalty to visit.  It was amazing!  Even better it meant that we had to drive right by the Red Fort and Taj Mahal the next day.  My hosts asked me if I wanted to stop and take some pictures…. Hahahahahahah!

So, the next few shots were me walking around the palace in awe and trying to capture some of the beauty.  If I remember right, it was after midnight by this point.  But hey, you have to take advantage of the opportunity!
RetroBlog 2006-12-10

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