
Zoe seems magically fixed!

First the funny…. I sent this picture of Zoe standing on her hind legs (left)  just days after her second surgery!  The boys said she looked like an astronaut with her Donut of Despair (kind of like a Cone of Shame, but way easier for her to deal with.)  So a few minutes later, the boys send back the picture on the right! Hahahaha.  Andy sketched this up on his iPad using GoodNotes!  We got a great laugh out of it and were also amazed at his ability to so quickly draw up a perfect cartoon.  Check out the detail in the patches!

The two of them worked on it together and Johnny finalized a version showing after she was launched into space!

Second, we are thankful for a happy answer to our (and all your) prayers for Zoe.  We were hesitant to put her through the follow up surgery, but God showed us that it was exactly what she needed and the right thing to do!  She seems to be instantly fixed back up to 100%. Thanks for you prayers and concern.  We're happy!

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