
Perfect roasting fire!

It's always a great time when Isaac builds a fire and we can all just sit around to talk and eat s'mores! We talked about Andy launching full-time into plumbing, Johnny graduating this December, Isaac's civil engineering plans, Ian finishing his nursing assistant hours for med school and having over a million views, Jenna heading to field biology in school, Hannah having her senior year and her current trip to Maine, Zac finishing up landscaping for the summer and heading back to school, Emily working on a farm, Christopher's schedule at work, Ashley's flights back to Dayton and many other exciting times for us and the kids.

I love my family!  They are such great friends!❣️  I pray for each of you kids all the time.  I don't forget to pray for all us parents either.  We all need wisdom, patience, guidance and encouragement.  But remember, the Lord has us all in his hands so rest in that.

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