
People often ask me, “What is the big deal with raw photo photography”.

It's really two things that make it cool and possible. 

First, you need a camera that can shoot in raw.  Second, you need a convenient way to edit it.  You used to have to get out your computer, load the photos, then fire up some fancy software and painfully edit each area you wanted to improve…

These days, it's all at the tip of your fingers on your phone…. This is a before and after of the picture I posted yesterday.  The left is the before straight off my phone as the picture would normally look.  The right is after pressing one buttons and and one slider to adjust the raw image right on my phone until it looked more like the actual scene I was trying to capture.  The extra detail in the sunset, and even the highlights in the leaves where the light reflects off them is an impressive improvement between the two!

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