
On Gun Control...

The second amendment fights tyranny best by showing how redundant costly anti-crime programs are as long as there were armed citizens. [It is not about 'guns', it is about the freedom to act in time of violence.] Some would call those anti-crime measures band-aid approaches when citizens are first disarmed; negate the second amendment and crime grows; when crime grows, so do the band-aid programs which never seem to work as well as armed folks. (Who knew?)


The purpose of gun control has always been to destroy a working safeguard in order to make highly funded programs seem reasonable. Naturally, liberty purists see through these, but agnostics do not, and, in a spirit of cooperation, the good-hearted agnostics go along with government programs such as anti-violence paradigms and the War on Poverty. 


Put simply, if America were better armed, violence could not be used as an excuse to develop expensive national programs.


The second amendment does not fight tyranny thru force against our own government; it discredits tyranny by preventing violence that tyranny claims as its reason for existing.  Gun control never fought crime, it cleared the decks for future boondoggles.  Fighting gun control is not for guns, but to impeach the costly programs which began it all in the void first created by gun control.


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