

Monkey, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

The benefits of a low body mass. Johnny can shimmy clear up any of the playground equipment!

I had a great Birthday starting with a portable party from My mom and Dad on Tuesday evening, Krispy Kremes for breakfast at work, then Lunch with my friends Gregg and Rick (Rick bought, thanks!) at one of my favorite Mexican places. Next it was out to dinner, ice cream, and the park with my in-laws. I even got some nice presents that I wanted ("needed"). :) The celebration continued until this morning when my buddy, Bill bought my breakfast for our weekly get together at Bob Evan's. Thanks Bill.

Thanks to everyone for the nice cards, gifts, gestures well -wishes and notes. It's nice to feel special and loved! I love you all! I guess it's back to life now, just a little older chronologically, but not mentally.

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