
I'm not done sleeping yet!

I picked Johnny up this morning to start waking him up for Sparks practice. He hugs me and says in his tired little morning voice, "I'm not done sleeping yet". I know that feeling all to well!

So, I laugh and say, "I love you Johnny". He says, "Dad, you're not picking up Johnny, You're picking up Rexxy!". That's the t-rex from "Night at the Museum" which we watched last night. Johnny always becomes whatever the last thing he saw was. Last night he was prancing around the house as Rexxy.

In Sunday School, a week ago, Johnny had a scratch on his head so they applied a Bandaid. For some reason, he loved it and has refused to take it off for over a week! However today, he points to his head and says, " Look up here". I notice it' gone and ask him what happened? He says, " it just walked off"

Kids are so funny! And we haven't even woken up yet! :)

-Sent from my wireless handheld

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