
TV, good?!

TV, good?!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

We were going through Meijer and andy starts exclaiming that he saw Avocados. I turn around and there they are. He wants to hold one. Just then, Johnny and Julie come around the corner and Johnny wants to pick one out. He touches a few and says they're not any good... Says they should be firm, but a little soft... I'm thinking, yeah right, so I touch a few, and sure enough these ones are REALLY soft, he's right, they're all past their prime!

So, more power to you Mr. Brown. They have one TV show they're allowed to watch and it's Food Network's, Good Eats. How many 4 year olds would recognize an Avocado and how many 6 year olds could properly select one! That's my boys! And my wife!

-Sent from my wireless handheld

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