
I had an amazing time on my ride!

It's fun to see where the trails lead me.  The nice thing, I can make my own path with the off-road nature of my bike.  

This picture is highly tweaked to try and get it to show up better, but I swear I found the end of a rainbow that day!  I could see it right there before my eyes, shimmering in the sun.  In this pic, it starts in the upper left, proceeds down along the front of the trees, and ends in the grass at the tree line.  Of course, I ran over there for the pot of the gold.  What did I find?! A pile of grass clippings from the recently mowed field.

You can also just make out part of the double rainbow that was there for a bit on the right side of the pic.  I wasn’t focusing on that in this shot, but you can still make out a bit of it.

Anyhow, it was still a great sight to see.  So, get out there, do something different, you never know what enjoyment, moment, or thing you might see!

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