
I guess we’re doing THIS again…?!

A brand new Holiday Inn Express decked out in all the latest decor from the seventies! Hahahah.  Velour, olive green, etc.  It's come around full circle in my lifetime.

I’m armed with standard AND “high capacity” magazines…! Hahahaha.

"What for?"you might ask…. Julie got me THIS! Yes, it really shoots Tic Tacs!

I always enjoy watching the heavies come and go from the big airports.

Every once in a while, I even got a seat in the upper deck of one of these Boeing 747-600's :)
RetroBlog 2007-06-06

Heading through the Detroit airport again…

That can only mean one thing… Another international trip back in the day.  This time I am headed to China, but stopped to enjoy the airport scenery along the way.
RetroBlog 2007-06-05


Putting my SportU to good use.

My mom said she'd never seen my car dirty, so there you go!

Driving through my mom’s neighborhood on a beautiful day last week.

Ok, one last Lakeside pic from 2007…

I can't resist views of the lake, doc, or anything else Lakeside, hahaha.
RetroBlog 2007-05-31

A Croc problem…

Johnny stopped dead in his tracks on our walk along the Lakeside waterfront.  He hollered out, "Dad, I have a Croc problem!"  A piece of gravel had slipped in between his foot and shoe.  He stood there waiting for me to come back and help him out.  So cute and such great memories.  We still have some of their little Crocs from back then to remind of the the days when those were the BIG problems. ;)
RetroBlog 2007-05-31

A different take on a Lakeside sunset

RetroBlog 2007-05-31


For whatever reason, I enjoy watching this guy pull stuff out.

I learn a few things along the way and enjoy his new customer off-road wrecker…! Quite the place and views to put it to use for sure!

A sample of running with Zoe and letting Zoe run. :)


Good use of my sport ute

 Zoe and I went to the dog park on a nice day about a week ago.

I even managed to bring home a little dirt, hahaha.

Andy couldn’t be cuter…

And I loved the way this pic captures him and the Lakeside vacation vibe. :)
RetroBlog 2007-05-31

A barn swallow perched on the lakeside dock rope

RetroBlog 2007-05-31


Zoe struck a pose at the dog park after our ride

She's pretty and cute at the same time.  She also enjoyed running all over the place like a dufus, haha.

Zoe and I rode to the top of the “big” hill in Waynesville a week ago

It was a great view on a beautiful day for it.

Quite the combo for lunch after church last weekend

The boys were adorable in their hats

They enjoyed some of the rides at the wildlife park too. 
RetroBlog 2007-05-31

Cute baby geese make a pretty picture :)

RetroBlog 2007-05-31


Andy and Hannah bought this at Grandpa Joes!

They didn't care for it, but thought I might it.  They were RIGHT!  I spread it out with a sip or two a day and enjoyed it for a while. That way I didn't overload myself with carbs. ;)

I like play around with these cheap rubber watch bands…

I always liked big bulky sports watches and this gives me that vibe for $20.  Haven't decided if I will wear it all the time or just when I'm in the mood.  But it's been 10 days and I'm still wearing it so… I usually change around every few days for variety and fun, but this is keeping my interest at the moment, hahaha.  Silly habits for sure!

I like seeing the patterns of my workouts.

It's fun to come up with different routes so I don't wear too many paths in the yards.  It's nice that our neighborhood lets us use each others property for keeping in shape. ;)

It’s always good to hit the African Wildlife Safari…

We have fond memories of this from when we were kids.  It's fun that it's still open all these years later so we could show our kids.  At this point we've been going there 45 years…

These guys were following behind our car for a little while.  this is the view looking out the back window.  The tips of the horns extended past either side of the full width of our SUV…!

RetroBlog 2007-05-31

Sometimes it’s just nice to lay in a sunbeam on vacation… :)

I like this pic of Andy just laying there, holding Batman, soaking up a sunbeam and resting.   Sometimes Lakeside just wears you out, but it's always a good kind of tired. :)
RetroBlog 2007-05-30


It’s time for the annual report at work…

…we don't take ourselves too seriously most of the time, hahahahahaha!

Pepper helps with Julie’s manicure…

…She got "stuck" there too…. Silly kittie!

A whole new world of possibilities…!

Rueben Omelets!  Johnny and I tried Blueberry Cafe a week ago.  It was super yummy all around.  AND they serve Boston Stoker coffee!

The best part was their Reuben omelet!  Now I've started adding sauerkraut to my eggs in the morning.  Awesome!

Lakeside sunset never disappoint!

This one shows a little different one than most people take pictures of.  It was a moody one I guess. ;)
RetroBlog 2007-05-29

I love my wife!

Especially seeing her smile enjoying playing with the boys at Lakeside.  She's such a good mom (and CUTE too!
RetroBlog 2007-05-27


I finally got all my ducks in a row!

It's fun that they come visit us early in the morning.  Here they are heading home a little after 8a.

Pepper guarding her water like a prisoner…

We call it her “prison Mike” pose…

Andy got me this new knife

It makes a pretty decent minimal EDC multi-tool. Blade, wire stripper, screwdriver, pry bar and bottle opener.  I like the little safety glasses icon…

I always like watching the water birds on the Lakeside dock

RetroBlog 2007–05-27

The boys enjoying Lake Erie

RetroBlog 2007-05-27


We’ve discovered there is a treasure trove of wings around town…

All within about ten minutes we have B&B, Roosters, Stone House, 73 Grill.  These are from 73 Grill with Garlic Parmesan sauce… Yum!  When I get home tonight we're planning on Stone House Spartan Style!

Have you ever examined beagle ears from the back…?

All the extra floppiness makes for a wide head! Hahahahaha.

It’s fun to have people across the street…

This is Johnny and Savannah's result of making leopard bread.  The fun part is they'd ran out of cocoa, so they had to come borrow some from us.  That goes both ways, and it's always fun help each other out.

One of my all time favorite shots of my family!

Julie looks so good as a mom! She has always had a great combo of taking her job passionately and also balancing that with fun.  Here, were were headed up Oak street to Lake Erie and I stopped to capture her guiding the boys, all holding hands, on the walk.  I love them all❣️
RetroBlog 2007-05-27

I was playing around with my camera settings…

I don't often stage or pose pictures, but wanted to try some various depth of field options and liked the colors of Julie's produce and the look of the knives.  So I tried my hand at setting up a scene.  How'd I do? ;)
RetroBlog 2007-05-16


Ian our swammer..

…that's past tense for swimmer.  I'm of course proud of what he's accomplished with his swimming career.  What a way to finish it by earning a spot to compete at the NCAA championships!  He says he's off to Ironman comps next…?!  He's also giving me good fitness advice along the way.  Go Ian!

Taking them so far in a short period of time.

It's really interesting to see how we can take people from knowing almost nothing and get them to conscious competence in a relatively short period of time.  It's also interesting to take people that have a lot of experience and still improve their skills and performance.  Come willing to learn and we can help!  I enjoy the privilege of welcoming them to the community and signing off on their success.   

Concealed Carry class anyone?

This was the vibe as I arrived to teach a full-day class a couple Saturdays ago.  I have been really enjoying the energy I get from the students and the stress relief of doing something I enjoy so much.

Andy being cute at Waffle House

This was his 4th Birthday celebration.

No wonder he always had them eating out of his hand there…. Still does, hahaha.
RetroBlog 2007-05-02

Andy being cute at Awana…

RetroBlog 2007-05-16


This is Zoe’s new way of saying she’s bored…

I guess it's another way she expresses her neediness!? Hahaha.

The dig is needy when I’m not around…

Zoe has a way of communicating just with her face…

Birthdays at Burger King were always a blast!

We always enjoyed celebrating birthdays as an extended family.  Picking out the cakes, buying fun gifts, playing together and just catching up!  Always a good time.

I love the smiles and laughter in this shot!

RetroBlog 2007-05-01