
Poor Zoe can’t catch a break!

We were walking to strengthen her leg when she yipped and stopped walking.  I realized she was holding her front foot funny (top left).  When I looked, I found this stinger (top right).  So I applied some sting relief and the donut of despair.  She didn't seem too happy (bottom left), but eventually the pain subsided and she go used to the donut again (bottom right).  After a few hours, I took the donut off and she seemed to be back to normal. Poor thing.  It obviously hurt at the time.  For a little bit, I bet she was thinking, "Are you kidding me, now I only have ONE good leg left…?!"

She has been doing pretty well on her bum legs.  One is completely fine.  She still favors the right rear often (although we walk as much as two miles a day and she's built back most of her muscle mass).  We had a consult this week with the doctor to decide if she needs the hardware removed from that leg for more comfort.  Stay tuned…

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