
This was an awesome action shot to get. The Seals!

Sometimes getting the right shot is knowing how to frame a scene or just about being in the right place at the right time.  Other times it's knowing exactly how to use the equipment you have while still other times, you need to have just the right equipment to get the shot.

This pic, was a combo of all that.  We just happened to be on a sunset cruise in Coronado Bay and noticed that the Seal Teams were practicing exercises in and out of their Blackhawk Helicopters.  Of course, I had to get a shot of this.  I found an open window on the boat and started shooting.  I needed to have my 600mm lens for sure!  Even though they were across the bay, I could still feel the spray from the rotor wash hitting my face.  

In the end, I got a great shot that my whole team insisted I share.  It was a great memory, fun to capture, and rewarding to have had so many of my colleagues amazed by it.

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