
Now that we are back from all our travels…

First, you will see that I have to take a break from my retro blogging.  I figured you'd want to see more of the pics from our recent travels.  After I got home from my NC, GA, AL, MS trip, Julie and I got to go on a trip to the Philly area.  Work pays for a weekend getaway plus an extra day oof as a present to celebrate five years of service.  Julie had been wanting to go to the Mütter Museum for years and we both wanted to see the Great America Outdoor Show.  So off we went from Friday through Tuesday.  Then I had business in Philly on Wed, so we finally got back home last night.  So from Last Monday to this Wed, I logged well over 2,700 miles in the car!

To make it even more interesting, remember that there was a huge snow/ice storm blanketing the country last Th/Fr.  We headed off into it Friday morning.  Halfway through the trip we stopped for a break and found these formations growing on the side of the car!  I thought they were pretty cool.

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