
“We’re watching you...!”


A sign I found on a cupboard door across the street. :)


Camp: now THAT’S my kind of coffee!

Turbo boost in a can!

Window Shopping just got more tantalizing!

It's tough to decide between the wildlife outside the window or inside it! A writhing nest of babies is pretty tempting!


Pepper’s not sure about that new lump in the bed...

I think Itty Bitty's trying to take Pepper's spot without Pepper knowing about it.

Interesting and different. Coke Coffee...?

This is the flavor I like the best so far. I have one more to try. It sounds like a really strange combo, but I kind of like it.


A winter goodnight.

Lazing on a Sunday afternoon.

Well, that's not entirely true since I am working on college plans with Andy, but I sure do enjoy the view. Pepper IS lazing for sure. ;)


Shark attack!

Julie and I have fun hiding this shark for each other. We have for years. It was a decoration on a drink at Red Lobster from before we had the boys!  We put it in little surprise spots so it will "attack" us when we least expect it. Shoes, pillow cases, medicine cabinets, chairs, etc.

I found him like this yesterday. Apparently she tied to choke him with a space pen! He just ATE it instead!


Just a winter shot of me heading East yesterday.

What we have here is a stand-off!

I like how you can JUST see Itty Bitty's eyes over the pillow.

Nice blade!

Let's play with knives...


You know you’re having fun when you have snow INSIDE your helmet...

That’s where I caught dirt and went flying through the air…!

Johnny rolled me right off another time, "dad I've never seen you move so fast" said as I was Rolling along the ground at 20 miles an hour!

None of us can decide which is more fun, driving or being pulled…?

Now I’ve got TWO snuggle buddies!

Pepper AND Itty Bitty. They seem to be getting along pretty well...!


I made a few quick mods and it’s ready to go!

You know it will be fun all you need is a demolition saw, angle grinder and hammer!

Just another pretty snow day coming right up!

 I like the way the weather app looks in iOS.

Julie’s friend Diane gave her some pretty flowers to celebrate her mom.


THIS is going to lead to some fun in the snow!

Itty Bitty is just sitting around being cute.

She likes roaming now that she has access to the whole place. They all seem to be getting along. Pepper and she are even playing together.

Chungus is so cute laying on her side, eating nuts.



Just a cool, blue winter morning...

Andy and Hannah went Valentine’s shopping.

This is Wilbur that Hannah picked out and Andy named. So cute. Cool fur and adorable Star Wars outfit and owl too.

A nice warm Itty Bitty kitty to snuggle. :)


I was out enjoying a moon-lit evening and throwing rooster tails at Julie...

I managed the perfect drift right past the living room window. I was under full throttle and threw up the perfect cloud of snow then spun to a stop looking right at Julie sitting in her chair. From the big smile on my face, she gathered that I might be enjoying myself...

I really like the way this picture turned out with the bluish night sky and the snow on the trees.  It gives a serene look to an otherwise hair raising experience haha. If you look at the tracks at the bottom of the picture you can see that they the wheel marks are 3-4x the normal width, i.e. I was sliding sideways. Fun stuff.

I’ve just been having a little fun out in the cold and snow with my machine...

I also managed to pack the engine compartment full of white fluffy stuff.  Now it’s steaming off...

It looks like I am the pied piper of black cats...


I really like the hint of blue in Itty Bitt’s eyes. It’s quite striking on a black cat.

We’ve been enjoying sorting through mom and dad’s books.

We kept some old ones like these. They date back to the turn of the previous century and even back to the mid 1800s. You know it's old when you find a newspaper clipping from the late 1800s in it...

We’ve had another inch or two since I snapped this shot.

It's nice to get some decent winter weather for a change. The last year or two have been a little disappointing.


And then Andy took me on a breakfast adventure at B&Bs yesterday morning.

It was slow going, but we enjoyed the time together as well as the food!

It’s a good thing I was bundled up. Everything is getting covered in snow.

It's about time we got some decent winter weather. It's been two years since I had to power up my snow blower.

I was working outside the night before last, and the snow was just starting...