
I finally had some time to arrange my garage wall the way I wanted!

I have every year's plate from 1948 to 1973 of either Michigan or Ohio then a few miscellaneous on either end. That almost spans the time from when my mom and dad were born to when us kids were. I also have 1941. It's cool to see how the plates evolved over the years. I have dad's first trailer plate, a church bus plate, and many more memories. I like seeing the transition from Michigan to Ohio in 1962/63 (just to the left of the door) and thinking about what Mom and Dad were up to at that point in their lives.
Many of the antiques are ones my grandpa always had hanging on his wall. He would pull them down and quiz us about what they were. The mouse trap, the belt splicer, the sleeve pleater, and the Model T Ford tail light...!

The rest are various memories from my life. I love it!

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