
We did it!

We did it! by FlickPics88
We did it!, a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.

Since the news networks have decided to highlight issue 2 and neglect issue 3, I figured I would do the opposite!

Dear Ohio Healthcare Freedom Supporters,

Today we celebrate a moment we've worked so long and hard for - Ohio Issue 3 has passed overwhelmingly! Please stop and consider what we've accomplished together. What an achievement - a citizen initiative to amend the Ohio Constitution and that sends a bold and clear message that Ohioans want the freedom make their own healthcare decisions. Ohio voters resoundingly said no to the federal health insurance mandates.

I want to thank EVERYONE who helped in any way...

The Committee to represent the petitioners and the ones who started it all,
The regional coordinators,
The volunteer petition circulators,
Those who donated their money
and their personal time to brave the elements to get signatures,
Those who made campaign phone calls,
The people who went door to door,
And handed out literature at the polls,
Wrote editorials and called talk radio shows,
and organized petition signing events and
and put out yard signs
went to meetings and rallies and
reminded others to vote yes on Issue 3....
and for those who voted yes....

It was an amazing effort by so many - we did it! Thank you for everything you've done to help preserve Healthcare Freedom for all Ohioans.

Before we get back to work, let's stop and savor this moment and what we've accomplished together. I've enjoyed getting to know so many of you - some truly wonderful people and great patriots!

Thank you!!

In liberty,

Lori Fenwick
Warren County
Ohioans for Healthcare Freedom

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