
Johnny's Tarantula Paper

The Way of Tarantula
by Johnny Barton
2nd Grade
The tarantula is the biggest spider on Earth. The tarantula has no bones but it has an exoskeleton instead. The exoskeleton is a hard shell on the outside of the tarantula. The hard shell is armor for the big spider, and it protects it from germs. The head portion is called the carapace. The round, bulging part is called the abdomen. It has eight legs. The whole spider is covered with fur.

Tarantulas have hollow fangs that are a half inch long. They use ther fangs to kill prey with their venom, and also for defense. Its bite kills small animals, but is only like a bee sting to people.

Tarantulas have interesting behaviors. Some kinds are very aggressive, but others are very docile. They're are most active at night, when they put lots of webbing on the ground. These things are all reasons that I think tarantulas are cool.

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