
If you do not believe these lies are true...

Ask the Democrats who saw it too...

Lest there be any question how they got Nelson to agree to vote:

"Until late Friday night, Democratic leaders -- while outwardly optimistic -- had been unsure they would be able to persuade the famously independent Nelson to come over, according to sources familiar with the talks.

They had pledged to provide additional aid to his home state to offset the cost of expanding Medicaid insurance for the poor. (Most other states have had to split that cost with the federal government).

And they promised to help shield some nonprofit insurers from a new excise tax on the industry."

This is just criminal, the simple purchase of votes... No conspiracy theory here. It's in bold, black and white print. The LA Times no less.


What ever happened to voting what was right for the people, not what got you and your people the most money...?

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