
The difference between Republicans and Democrats

Illegal activities are "just good politics"...?!

"Sen. Ben Nelson struck a deal with Senate leaders in which his state, Nebraska, won't have to pay the same cost of expanding Medicaid as other states. Is that illegal?

Some Republicans claim it is. Nelson indeed saved his state about $10 million a year by forcing the federal government to assume the entire cost of expanding Medicaid to 133% above the poverty level.

On the Senate floor last week, GOP senators argued that the exemption violates Congress' tax and spending powers under Article I of the Constitution, which requires the powers be used for the "general welfare."

Some legal experts agree. But other experts say that Congress is free to send tax money wherever it wants -- and that Nelson's move was simply good politics."


I'm starting to like the LA Times. It proves a lot of my points for me... Wouldn't a 48 state based USA be great. Pick two states to leave. NY and CA... We would get our country back!

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