
8.5 hours later

8.5 hours later, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Well, I got lucky on the long flight. I had a row to myself. There were only about 10 empty seats and two of them were next to me. Anyhow. I managed to sleep for 8.5 hours and am getting up at 10:15 am, China time so I should be on the right schedule now. Ok, where's my breakfast!?

If you get this, I landed safely! :)

Oh yeah. I'm officially in China at the moment. We just crossed over from... Russia. I figured out how they offered this new direct flight without having to refuel. They fly right through Russia. We went from Atlanta up past Minneapolis, through Canada, up over the top, down though Russia and are headed over North Korea before it's done. We'll come into Shanghai from the North.

-Sent via my wireless HandHeld

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