
uh oh...

2008-06-29 20-00-00 Dog, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

That will teach me to go on a long trip...



Missing..., originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Spot Puppy Christmas is looking out over the ocean wondering when he'll see his Andy again (as am I). He found these little mementos of the boys in my suit case and dug them out.

I'm heading to Japan. I will be off the radar a bit more since my phone/data connection don't work there. I'll update you all when I can.

Kowloon Park

Kowloon Park, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

This was the view during my jog today. I ran down Canton Road, the length of the pier, and back through the park. That's my hotel on the right, the gold building.


Kowloon Park

Kowloon Park, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

On my morning jog around Hong Kong.

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Louis Vuitton store window...

Louis Vuitton store window..., originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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I am defeated!

I am defeated!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

That's FOUR cell phones, TWO bluetooth headsets, 2 wired headsets, GPS, and that's all I could see! This is truly gadget man! He carried on conversations at least 3 at a time!

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Honk Kong City lights

Honk Kong City lights, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

We ate dinner up on the hill and enjoyed a nice view afterwards. Now, for a double decker bus ride back down. I've got dibs on an upper seat!

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Hong Kong!

Hong Kong!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

From "The Peak"

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Tortoise Jelly

Tortoise Jelly, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Well, we ended the evening with a little local treat. It was call tortoise jelly and was actually quite good. The best way I can describe it would be a really sweet, more subtle version of a black jelly bean...

I was officially christened "Suitable for doing business in China" by the president of the company I am visiting. He said this because I would "eat anything".

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Bamboo Cathedral ceilings

Bamboo Cathedral ceilings, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

I can't believe the size of this building ALL made of bamboo! They can build big because it's so light.

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Dinner in China

Dinner in China, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

We ate dinner at a beautiful Chinese restaurant tonight. It was made entirely of bamboo. Amazing.

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Lobby, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Did I mention the Lobby in the hotel?

$50 per night. Unbelievable.

It's modeled after the Ventitian in Las Vegas according to the President of our Vendor here.

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Judge a book by it's cover

Judge a book by it's cover, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

You may not be able to judge a book by it's cover, but I've found that a hotel room's bathroom is an indication of the hotel's desirability in general. This one's no exception. Shower AND a bath. But, where's the toilet...?

By the way, did I mention it is like 93 and 100+% humidity...
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Here's to hoping for a nice day.

It's pouring now, but this is the view from the balcony of my room! Wow! This hotel is amazing and at the price of a Holiday Inn express in the states!

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Green!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Well, with rain comes lots of green. It is very pretty here.

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Made it safely through my road trip.

Still raining though.

I've never seen bicycling while holding an umbrella before. I'll have to try and get a picture of that. They're quite good at it here.

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Addict?, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

What a CrackBerry addict looks like while typing on his BB to his Sister, Wife, Brother in-law, and Vendor in China AND using his laptop at the same time in the car (hopefully not while driving).

Oh yeah, did I mention I am dependent on gadgets...

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Typhoon Rain

Typhoon Rain, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Well, it looks like I'm going to skirt the actual Typhoon, but I tell you what, it is raining like crazy here! Everyone seems unconcerned, that's good, I think! ;)

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Better view of the clouds/rain

Getting on the plane now. Holy cow, the security is much more serious here. Feels more secure!

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Tropical storm.

Tropical storm., originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

I'm heading out of Shanghai. It's been really rainy. The typhoon that hit the Philippines has weakened to a storm and is affecting our weather negatively in the following ways:

1. Rain
2. Clouds
3. Rain
4. Clouds

It is a little cooler, so that's nice.

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Stewed goose foot

Stewed goose foot, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

A picture is worth a thousand words.

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Finally, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

We're out of the traffic at 9:00pm! We started in it at 3:30. Traveled 10km during that 5.5 hours (6 miles). Now, where's my bed!

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Traffic!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

We are topping out at 5K per hour! It's been that way for an hour now! So here we sit. Spot Puppy Christmas and I could run faster than this... And it goes as far as we can see!

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Pigeon anyone

Pigeon anyone, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Yep! That's a pigeon head. And yes, just dig in, suck out some brains and enjoy. Yum! Tastes like livers and gizzards.


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At the Plant.

At the Plant., originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

5 cars and 1,000 bikes/scooters in the parking lot. Maybe we could learn a lesson in economical commuting.

Gas is the same price here as in the US, but salaries are probably only 25% of what they are in the US.

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Looking, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Well, we're off for a 2 hour drive to the customer. A bit rainy here this week. Spot Puppy Christmas is surveying the Shanghai PuDong area from our room.

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Peking Duck!

Peking Duck!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Man, was this ever good! Here they are, carving it at our table. Yum. A Chinese delicacy.

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Dinner and a wedding

Dinner and a wedding, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Well, I guess it is tradition to invite anyone who wants to attend. We had a free dinner and watched this wedding. This was the moment the ring bearer and flower girls walked in.

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8.5 hours later

8.5 hours later, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Well, I got lucky on the long flight. I had a row to myself. There were only about 10 empty seats and two of them were next to me. Anyhow. I managed to sleep for 8.5 hours and am getting up at 10:15 am, China time so I should be on the right schedule now. Ok, where's my breakfast!?

If you get this, I landed safely! :)

Oh yeah. I'm officially in China at the moment. We just crossed over from... Russia. I figured out how they offered this new direct flight without having to refuel. They fly right through Russia. We went from Atlanta up past Minneapolis, through Canada, up over the top, down though Russia and are headed over North Korea before it's done. We'll come into Shanghai from the North.

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Chilled, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Spot Puppy Christmas has kicked back with his headphones and is checking out the menu. He's excited about the puppy chow mein offering!

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777, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

That is one BIG aircraft... That's a good size ramp worked with the orange vest on. I'm getting in my >15 hour flight... See you on the other side of the world.

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Spot Puppy Christmas

Spot Puppy Christmas, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

It's spot Puppy Christmas that got awarded the free trip this time (specially picked by Andy). He said the last puppy had "gone long enough". ;-)

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And so it begins...

And so it begins..., originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

I'm off, arrived at the airport at 5:30 this morning. I'll log 4 countries on this trip (1 new, Japan) and 7 hotels in 11 days!

See you all when I return.

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Eruption, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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More!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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Volcano Sprinkler

Volcano Sprinkler, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

This thing gently mists then explodes very few seconds. Total yard fun!

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lord of the Rings!

lord of the Rings!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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Bacon-fest!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

The boys even have their very own aprons for cooking with Dad. Bacon-fest is always a hit!
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Bacon Fest

Bacon Fest, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

All of us in our Aprons! :)

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Never, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

As a hint, never say, "I'm not happy, I don't want anybody to tickle me" around Julie at a baseball game...! :)

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NOT pink!

NOT pink!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Hmm mm, not sure about this...

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Take me out to the ball game!

Take me out to the ball game!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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Baseball, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Laying on the lawn, watching baseball! Perfect night for it.

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Ants Carrying

Ants Carrying, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

We're on the way to a Dragon's game tonight and stopped for some free snacks. Andy took great joy in feeding the ants and letting them "carry off his cookie". :)

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Packed up and off to Asia

Packed up and off to Asia, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Well, I have my equipment ready to go. It's all nestled in my pelican case. This is the bottom layer the next picture down is the top layer. You gotta love the pluck-n-place foam in these cases. I needed something light enough to carry and sturdy enough to be checked (5 times) for my travels...

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Packed up

Packed up, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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Boys, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Well, here's what being a Dad is all about. Two boys, one on my shoulders and the other wanting to look at "the water thing" at my sister in-law's church. We went there to hear her sing on Father's day.

It's a self portrait... Not the greatest pic, but cute, so here you go.

Father's Day!

Father's Day!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

I had a great Father's day. Mostly because I spent the whole day with my family! After church (he we are walking to the car afterwards) we ate lunch, then hung out at the pool. We went shopping to finish off the day. I love when the kids want to be on my shoulders!

Johnny and I "snarkled" (Johnny's word for skin diving with a snorkle) all over the pool. O lost count of how many times we swam back and forth the length of it!

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Grand Daddy

Grand Daddy, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Andy was very keen to keep the Grand Daddy Long Legs we found in the garage!

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Like Father, like son...

Like Father, like son..., originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Andy has managed to tip his chair over...

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