
That was close!

That was close!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Well, I sensed something might be awry when there was a line at the ticket counter on a Saturday. Sure enough Atlanta, of all places, was being snowed in. They'd cancelled the previous flight already. Mine was likely to be next... But the nice lady, Suzanne from Delta, at the counter really went out of the way to offer several other alternatives to get me in on time. She even checked the weather in the various airports and the seats available to make sure I wouldn't get stuck in a worse predicament. So, on the plane I went. Then I started to have a panic attack, had she rerouted Baby Spot Puppy too?! Then, just as I was about to run screaming from the plane, here he comes bounding over the seat in front of me all happy. She'd had the common sense to put us on the same flight since we were obviously traveling together! ;) Thank you for nice customer service, Delta. I love you Andy!

-Sent from my wireless handheld

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