
A cup and a prayer

A cup and a prayer, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

There is always a new need at bed time. It is usually a stall tactic of some type... Last night, with Johnny, it was a request for another drink of water. We told him no, he'd just had one. Full bladders at bedtime, well we don't want that! So anyhow, Julie happens to hear him upset about it later and I decide that if he's still wanting one, it must be real. So I get a small drink and take it to him. I open the door and he says, "OH THANKYOU Daddy, Jesus just answered my prayer. I just prayed to him that I would get a drink of water and you brought me one!". He was quite happy, and proceeded to say another little prayer of thanks to Jesus for answering his prayers, "just like he'd been learning in Sparkies". What a sweet guy. Such is the faith of the little children!

-Sent from my wireless handheld

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