

Somehow, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

An extra critter seems to always worm their way into our bed in the middle of the night... They're so cute, I don't have the heart to tell them to head back to their rooms!

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Makin' Coffee

Makin' Coffee, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Lots of coffee this morning! Complete with real filters and everything!

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Lego Allowance

Lego Allowance, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

About the only way to curb the kids appetite for Legos is to make them buy their own with their allowance! It doesn't seem to slow them down too much as you can get a lot of Legos for a little price. Andy's latest creation/set shown here.

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Coffee @ 10:00pm?

Coffee @ 10:00pm?, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Well, this morning, Johnny wanted to learn to make coffee so he could make some for his Mom. So, what does he see at Meijer tonight, a toy coffee pot for his kitchen. We get home to find that it actually cycles water through it just like a real coffee pot! A good use of $10 of his allowance! :)

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Hi there

Hi there, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

That was the greeting I got when getting ready today. I think Andy might have been behind this pose, it was too cute!

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More Pajamas

More Pajamas, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Cubbies all ready for bed when you get home! Convenient! ;)

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Pajamas anyone

Pajamas anyone, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

It's Pajama night at Awana! Here's the Barton's entry! :)

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A cup and a prayer

A cup and a prayer, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

There is always a new need at bed time. It is usually a stall tactic of some type... Last night, with Johnny, it was a request for another drink of water. We told him no, he'd just had one. Full bladders at bedtime, well we don't want that! So anyhow, Julie happens to hear him upset about it later and I decide that if he's still wanting one, it must be real. So I get a small drink and take it to him. I open the door and he says, "OH THANKYOU Daddy, Jesus just answered my prayer. I just prayed to him that I would get a drink of water and you brought me one!". He was quite happy, and proceeded to say another little prayer of thanks to Jesus for answering his prayers, "just like he'd been learning in Sparkies". What a sweet guy. Such is the faith of the little children!

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A face with that name.

A face with that name., originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Now the pig is too cute to beat the tar out of... He's upside down so the fresh paint on his under carriage can dry.

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Wilbur, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Julie has spent the last week or so, with the boys, making a piƱata. This one is getting pretty close and already hides a yummy pay load. According to Johnny, he wants to "knock the tar out of it!" :)

Campfire marshmallows

Campfire marshmallows, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Run, don't walk, to your nearest Big K (K-mart with food "pantry") store and grab a bag of "premium quality Campfire Marshmallows". They are gooooood. They get a perfect golden brown and are ALL gooey on the inside. And they puff up really big too. The kids and I had a blast on the back porch with the coals left over from dinner. BIG fun.


Ratatouille, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

This is Andy's version of ratatouille, a French peasant food. You have to see the movie to recognize the little stack of food. He completed it with an elegant swirl of sauce to complete the plating! :) That's what he's doing here, the final swirl.



Hats, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Andy loves his Woody doll and has managed to keep track of the hat! And we love his camo cap! He looks soooooo cute in it!

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That's a check mark!

That's a check mark!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Julie started a new system where the boys can earn check marks for misbehavior. Three of any one kind, or five of any kind and privileges start disappearing! So, Andy has started making up his own charts. You can see them hung up all over the school room!

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Brother Love

Brother Love, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

The boys were hugging each other to the ground! I love it that they're so close. I hope they grow up to love each other and have a good relationship!

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Andy Boy

Andy Boy, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Another trip to Jungle Jim's and Andy finds out he has his own cauliflower company. www.andyboy.com. :)

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Ice Cream

Ice Cream, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

The boys managed to talk the nice waitress out of two free sundaes after church today! They finished it up with straws! Oh joy when they found they could mix up with each other's flavors!

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Finally Home

Finally Home, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

We're both excited to be back! :)

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Finally on the ground

Finally on the ground, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Baby Spot Puppy didn't think I was driving fast enough! We're on the ground. Heading home!

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It was our plane

It was our plane, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Turns out, Baby Spot Puppy was so excited because it was our plane. He knows it'll take us home. Well, we're on the plane. See you all soon!

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Just about on the way.

Just about on the way., originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

We're heading home. Baby Spot Puppy is checking out one of the airplanes. He looks intrigued if you ask me!

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Going home!

Going home!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Well, it's early here, and after a really late night, we are coming home. Our bags are packed and Baby Spot Puppy is all ready and excited to be heading home with me. I've managed to keep my cold under wraps (heavy drugs) and Baby Spot Puppy has kept my spirits high. :)

I guess our travels have been convincing... Johnny asked Julie yesterday, "Mom, how is Baby Spot Puppy alive?". I guess he believed it because he saw it?!

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One more day!

One more day!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Baby Spot Puppy is running around all excited today because we're going home tomorrow! He's even helping me set up some controllers today! :)
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The UK Government

The UK Government, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

I spent the day with this chap. He's from the UK weights and measures lab and was going over our procedures for certifying our new product. Lot's of questions. Hopefully, I provided all the right answers!?
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Ice, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Oh yeah, forgot to mention there was ice on the car. This was on the roof. I'd rather walk, but the rest of my colleagues seem opposed. So, scrape we did.
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A morning stroll

A morning stroll, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Well, I'm feeling a little under the weather today. Probably from one of the thousands of people in the airports... Oh well, I strolled on down to the mini mart in search of some cold remedies this morning about sunrise. It was pretty, but cold. Long day! I'm just now getting back to my "house"

All for now,

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Average, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Today was an average day. Testing some things, setting up some things. Addressing problems, and reviewing the status of any issues in the customer satisfaction meeting. Of course, you need coffee for the meeting and some to take notes on.
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Circa 1515!

Circa 1515!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Well, I had dinner in a average pub in Windsor last night. An average pub that was established just after Christopher Columbus discovered the New World! I don't think we have a feel for what an old building is. :)
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Better at night

Better at night, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

With the gray day, the Windsor Castle looks better at night (which just happens to be around 4:30 here!
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Distracted, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

We were outside Windsor Castle, and I was TRYING to get Baby Spot Puppy to look at me and smile. He smiled, all right, just not at me. It was the girl bull dog walking the other way! ;)

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2nd stop, Windsor Castle

2nd stop, Windsor Castle, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Pretty nice. The oldest, biggest inhabited castle in the world.

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Made it!

Made it!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Baby Spot Puppy made it too!

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Stonehenge, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

I guess it's obvious I got to see a "pile of rocks in the middle of nowhere" according to some London residents.

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That was close!

That was close!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Well, I sensed something might be awry when there was a line at the ticket counter on a Saturday. Sure enough Atlanta, of all places, was being snowed in. They'd cancelled the previous flight already. Mine was likely to be next... But the nice lady, Suzanne from Delta, at the counter really went out of the way to offer several other alternatives to get me in on time. She even checked the weather in the various airports and the seats available to make sure I wouldn't get stuck in a worse predicament. So, on the plane I went. Then I started to have a panic attack, had she rerouted Baby Spot Puppy too?! Then, just as I was about to run screaming from the plane, here he comes bounding over the seat in front of me all happy. She'd had the common sense to put us on the same flight since we were obviously traveling together! ;) Thank you for nice customer service, Delta. I love you Andy!

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The best form of flattery?

The best form of flattery?, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Did I mention in my entry below that Andy was imitating my bathroom routine this morning? You only have to floss the ones you want to keep! :)
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A good start

A good start, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Well, I'm off to the UK today. If all goes well, I'll land in London around 2am, Sunday, Dayton time. I was just starting to get ready this morning and Andy woke up. I heard him and went to see him. He climbed onto my back (an "Andy Package"), and I carried him around while taking out the garbage. He was all nice and warm and snugly having just woken up. Then while I got ready, he laid on the floor and talked to me, imitated me, and asked about my routine. It was a nice time and definitely a good start to my trip. When I'm leaving, I especially appreciate special moments like these.
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Date with Mommy

Date with Mommy, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

While Johnny was at in-school yesterday, Andy and Julie ran around on a date for some one on one time. They stopped by BLM to pick me up for lunch at BW3s. Andy quickly found a keyboard on the game console and proceeded to type anything he could think of.
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Silver linings

Silver linings, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

I was sitting at Waffle House eating breakfast with my Mom and watching the sun rise. We went on to have coffee before I dropped her at her chemotherapy appointment. There was about 5 minutes during which the sky was filled with beautiful blue, orange and red. After that, it just looked like any other morning. I thought to myself that, in spite of difficult circumstances and harried schedules, you can always stop for the enjoyable little slices of time that God provides. I love you, Mom. Thanks for a nice start to yesterday.
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Lego Cooperation

Lego Cooperation, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

The boys were having fun with an old favorite, the "leggy table". Here they're building a "house"
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Turkey Chicken

Turkey Chicken, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Andy was eating chicken last night, but kept insisting it was turkey... After he picked this piece up, we finally realized why he was saying that! :)
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Bed time

Bed time, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

The headlights are still a BIG Christmas present hit! I go in each night and turn them off. Last night, Andy was sound asleep with his still on and on his head, but it had slipped down over his eyes and ears. This picture is Johnny and I snuggling before bed. Always a nice time and worth taking a few minutes out of our hustle and bustle.
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OSU Fan Life

2008-01-11 14-23-33, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

This is what it feels like to be an OSU fan after this years lost championship game.... This is a sticker in the rear window of a collegues car. Perhaps he'll replace it when we finally beat an SEC team in a bowl game...

Lego Master???

2008-01-08 21-02-22, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Andy is REALLY good at following the directions and putting Legos together. He breezes right through the 7-12 year old sets. He helps Johnny put his together too.

Lego Car

2008-01-08 20-31-22, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Andy is really becoming quite the Lego maker. We thought he used some directions to come up with this one, but he did it all on his own.

Noisy Chatter

2008-01-08 09-17-57, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Okay, get this, Andy was chattering the other day and Johnny was trying to talk. He says, "hold on, I know how to fix it". He runs away and comes back with these and successfully completes the conversation! HAHAHAHA

Have Puppy, will travel

2008-01-07 07-22-47, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Baby Spot Puppy is making the rounds. Andy gave him to me to take to work. I took this picture and sent it to the boys. It was met with loads of laughter.

Cave dwellers

2008-01-04 17-08-17, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

The natural history museum at the old, Cincinnati train museum, was cool and free (with our Boonshoft pass). It even has a recreated cave!

The boys liked this one

2008-01-04 16-57-26, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

A European Death's Head moth.

"See dad, look at all the spots"

2008-01-04 16-15-10, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Andy loved looking at rocks and minerals with the magnifying glass at the museum of natural history.

Go Bucks

2008-01-04 15-35-58, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

The Buckeye Stat Flag. Too late to hope it will cheer the to victory, but a cool picture at the Museums in Cincinnati.