
Christmas is coming!

Christmas is coming!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

It's nice to have snow before Christmas! It's been a loooong time since I remember having any significant snow on the ground while Christmas shopping! I remember writing a paper when I was in about fifth grade about "The Snow that Never Came" because Dad's birthday (Nov 5th) had come and gone without us having snow. It seems the time of the first snow gets earlier and the amount of snow through the winter varies in a cycle throughout the decades. It's nice to see it on the upswing.

By the way, the boys LOVED Christmas shopping for Julie! They each picked something out, and Johnny new what he wanted to get the minute we walked in the door at Bed Bath and Beyond. He was so cute. When we got home, they tried to spill it ALL. We managed to stop them before most of it cames out, but not all. Grrrrrrr.
-Sent via my wireless handheld

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