
Boy fun!

Boy fun!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Grammy and Grampy gave all the grand kids a head lamp. Johnny and Andy were piling on the fun at bed time. Johnny calls this a B-Stack. Andy's calls it just getting smushed! :)
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The robot box

The robot box, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Andy said he was the "baby robot".

Mr. Roboto

Mr. Roboto, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Johnny's Mr. Roboto imitation


Hugs, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

The boys decided they wanted to make "Christopher robot suites" with some boxes left over from all the Christmas wrapping... The first thing they did was be "hugging robots"

Slumber Party

Slumber Party, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

They boys decided, two nights ago, that they should sleep in Johnny's room. They liked it so much that they decided to do it last night too. Andy moved onto the pile of blankets... I ended up snuggling Andy later when Johnny went in to snuggle Julie.

Baby Puppy Bed

Baby Puppy Bed, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Andy gave up his blankie so that the puppy and sheep would have some proper covers

Light Painting

2007-12-22 18-53-15, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Using the right settings, a little patience, and the Christmas lights, I came up with a cool picture. I waited around for a car to go the right direction at the right speed to light the street during the exposure. A pretty cool effect which shows off the lights of the neighborhood.


2007-12-22 18-44-04, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Sitting on my couch, I keep looking out down the street and it makes me think about Christmas, what it really means, what I am thankful for. It is all about the birth of Jesus, his gift of Salvation, and my thankfulness that my family are all Christians!

Merry CHRISTmas


A Warm Winter Day

A Warm Winter Day, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

This is looking out our front door. In spite of it being almost winter, it was rather nice today.


Sunset, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

No description required


Sleep Over

Sleep Over, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

The boys were SO excited tonight. They had come up with the idea to lay these blankets out in Johnny's room, and that turned into, "hey, we could both sleep in here!?"

Pull over...NOW

2007-12-21 08-30-03, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

It is intimidating in size, but don't bump the grill. It's ALL plastic, and doesn't have any bumpers. I guess the evidence crew units are too sensitive to push things around! Better call a Crown Vic for that!

Breakfast with Mike

2007-12-21 08-29-29, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Well, this is Mike's new cruiser. I went on a ride with him today and hung out with him for his shift. I took this picture and the one with the lights on my real camera, so I thought I would post them. This doesn't look at all like a police car. The size of it dwarfs the light bar, and when it pulls up behind you, all you see is a big, blue, SUV grill... People just cruised right by us doing 57mph in a 35 zone. This is Kettering PD's new e-crew van. Let's see, 4 speeders, a nut case, and an accident involving an RTA bus. All in a day's work for Ohio's Finest.

Ice Cream?

Ice Cream?, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Andy says he's making ice cream...?


Bacon Fest!

Bacon Fest!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Hand cooked by Chef David. Much to the delight of EVERYONE in the house.

Christmas Card

2007-12-20 21-27-32, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

This is the Christmas card that Grammy and Grampy Barton sent Andy. He INSISTED that we put it on his bed in his room. He looks at it each night before going to bed. If it falls down, it has to go back in the EXACT same spot! :)

Ladies and Gentlemen!

Ladies and Gentlemen!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Andy is on his soap box this morning! And I am OFF WORK! That's the best part. No more until January 3rd!

Blue Man Christmas

I See You!

I See You!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Two dixie cups, some scissors and a piece of tape, and a fun mother!!

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Thiiiiiiis Close

Thiiiiiiis Close, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

"Dad, your getting this close if you keep talking". Andy's response to me telling him to wash his hands after a trip to the bathroom! Sometimes, they are just too cute to punish!!!!!!

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Radio GaGa

Radio GaGa, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Andy LOVES the little toy radio at Granny's house. One way or the other, he always seems to find it!
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Snow Fight!

Snow Fight!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Grammy was "invited to a snow ball fight by the boys. Invited, by way of being creamed by snow balls from both sides while trying to slyly ease back into the house!
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Micro Snow Men

Micro Snow Men, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

The boys made these tiny little snowmen at Grammy's house tonight. We went over to put together their new tree!
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Elves?, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Looks like some little elves were at my desk during the Christmas party at work this weekend! Fun stuff. I wondered what all the giggling was about!?
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2007-12-16 20-49-17, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

I'm not sure which is more puzzling? My boys running around in their skivies, or the act of puzzling so much over the last few days. It seems to be the big, fun thing at the moment. Here they are helping each other with a BIG dino puzzle. I love to see them working and playing together.


No Fair

No Fair, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

When they team up against me, they're getting to be quite a challenge! Fun in the snow with Dad! :)
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Grab a weapon

Grab a weapon, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Watch out for these two with their totally cool, $9 light sabers. There's nooooo stopping them now!
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Slush, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

What's the best way to get the slush build up off your bike? Not a great day for riding, but definitely a challenge!
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White Christmas Shopping

White Christmas Shopping, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

We're in the middle of a big ice and snow storm. Big, by Dayton standards, that is. Doesn't stop some people (us), yet turns others into idiots!
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In the Christmas Spirit?

In the Christmas Spirit?, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

This is my phone background. It's a shot of our newly relighted tree. Hard to be in bad mood when I see this a thousand times a day.
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Just chill down dad...

Just chill down dad..., originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

While I was drying Andy after his bath today, he says "Dad, can you just chill down for a little moment". I guess I was being a little too vigorous with the towel!? :) They look pretty "chilled down" here at our Christmas party.
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Here HE comes!

Here HE comes!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

The boys both anxiously anticipate Santa's arrival at our work Christmas party. He was walking into the room at this moment. I was doing the Photography for the Company. We had a good time, and both Johnny and Andy left love notes on my desk.
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I wanna watch my Christmas tree

Andy woke up this morning and immediately wanted to "watch his Christmas tree". He said he loved it. After that, Johnny gathered us all around the tree and has us all hold hands and sing "The Christmas Song" which meant, "Away in a Manger" to him. :)
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2007-12-14 23-34-07, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Well, I finally got the lights on the tree so that Julie and the kids can decorate it. This year, we had to cut off all the lights it came with (due to technical diffficulties). So, it's nice to have our programmable, bright, and numerous strings back on. It makes having a fake tree (waaaaaah) only half as bad. But hey, who wants a crispy house...


2007-12-14 13-03-41, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

This is one of my coffee buddy's car tires. We found it on the way back in from lunch... He wished he hadn't seen it, because, now he has to do something about it! Why couldn't it have been on the cheaper, more worn out tires...? The funny thing is, he pulled it out and found that it didn't actually puncture the tire!

Merry Christmas

2007-12-14 16-47-13, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Here's to all you out there who wonder, "What's with the hat". To you I say, "IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!!" I try to put myself in a lighter mood when I have less than a week of work left in the year. Yipppppeeeee. Tomorrow is the kid's Christmas party, so that really kicks off the Holidays.

The Empire Strikes Back

2007-12-14 19-05-42, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

The boys got, "The Empire Strikes Back" in the mail today fro NetFlix. BIG excitement. Lead to two hours of being mesmirized! Johnny found this warm up suit, that we bought him at Second Time Around, and decided it looked "comfy". He's asleep in it now... :)

Fruit Cake

2007-12-14 22-38-48, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Julie has been working REALLY hard and made some AWESOME fruit cake. It is from scratch, all the way down to shelling her own nuts and reviving her own dried fruit!!!! She is a REALLY GREAT cook!


Helpful kids!

2007-12-13 20-42-33, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Andy held the lights for a loooong time (the whole strand) and followed me around carefully playing them out, and keeping them from getting tangled as we went round and round and round. They have officially reached the point where they are making life easier! (sometimes).

It's time to do the lights

2007-12-13 19-23-11, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

See the little bit of lights in the background. Andy is really excited about helping. I'm not sure what role the fire fighter suit plays... But he really wanted to help. Was begging to.

Andy in a box

2007-12-13 13-24-33, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

What is it about a box, that is sooo fun for us as kids?


2007-12-13 11-15-42, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

So, this is where I am awake more than anywhere else. My workstaion. I'm working on an engineering release checklist at the moment. Hmmmm, maybe this doesn't look so exciting. I guess it's a fair trade for all the world travel!


FireFireFighter, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Johnny and Andy playing with some of Johnny's new Legos from his Birthday. BIG fun!
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Antlers!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Johnny has saved up LOTS of Sparky bucks. As a result, he bouth everything he wanted, including these silly antlers and still has lots of money left over! What a face!

Lauren Eats in the Wagon

Lauren Eats in the Wagon, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Now that is happiness! This is one of my kids at Awana. We had special Christas cakes tonight. The kids were QUITE excited. Lauren crammed herself into the wagon and chowed down!

A "Man Present"

2007-12-12 19-26-36, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

The kids wrapped up the leaders tonight at Awana for Christmas. Yes, that's me under the paper. The good news is that it means I'm not responsible for the picture!

Tea Time

2007-12-12 18-42-34, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

Here's Andy making tea for one of the Awana Leaders in Training.

Moon Rise

2007-12-11 18-07-23, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

The moon rises in the West looking out my Mom and Dad's front door at their new place. Looks wintery!

Oh Christmas Tree

2007-12-11 17-28-43, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

This was on the way out the door from work last night. I like the way you can see our Christmas tree reflected in the doors, and the reflection of the sunset on the clouds outside.


Stars and Stripes!

Stars and Stripes!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

These next three pictures are from my friend, Mike. He MADE this. it is Hand made from 66 idividual pieces of wood, turned on his lathe, and hand sanded to a PERFECT finished. Beautiful, Patriotic, and a MUST HAVE!!! He'll sell you one if you want. Just let me know. He's making a whole bunch of other varieties too. I'll post some pics after Christmas

Stars and Stripes!

Stars and Stripes!, originally uploaded by FlickPics88.

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