
I can get a lot of info on my iPad in my Jeep.

Here I'm listening to a video, navigating with Maps, and keeping track fo my speed, altitude and orientation.  I wouldn't normally do all that at once, but figured I'd see what was possible, haha.

The pets are enjoying Squirrel TV

Julie feeds the birds and squirrels by putting seeds on the window ledge.  The cats and dogs all like to sit and watch the action!  Sometimes they just about come out of their minds!  Other times, they're content to just watch calmly.

It’s been fun advancing my kendama skills

I'm getting to the point where the tricks I couldn't even do last year are ones I can get in two or three tries this year.  It gives Andy and me something to share.  I keep track of my progress using an old partial deck of cards.  In this case, my best is getting it in 2 tries currently.  

Julie and Andy FaceTime with his dino

This guy usually hangs out in Andys van and/or backpack.  He felt the need to hop on the call with Julie and Andy.  There was fun and laughter involved :)

Out to meet Andy for lunch

Just thought I'd see what the view from my iPad looks like in my Jeep.  Poor thing has to look at ME all the time, hahaha.


Nooooo! But I’m happy for him…

Demo Ranch is calling it quits.  Phasing out his YouTube presence and selling the resort.  It makes sense though.  "Once I'm an empty nester, I doubt I'll be wishing I made more YouTube videos".  Making more time for his wife and kids. His success has been crazy to watch and we've enjoyed learning from him over the last nine years or so!  It's nice to see a Christian family model.  Good luck Matt! We'll miss your content!

I thought Andy’s chalk bag and study book made a cool pic

Andy taking breaks between study sessions

Memorize, climb, study, climb, quiz, climb, repeat.  While he was out of town at class he got to visit a different climbing gym and keep his skills in shape.  I got to watch one night while I practiced my kendama tricks and asked him questions that would be on his backflow test.

You know you’re old when…

THIS is what they do to the hotel you where you honeymooned! I can't say it was a great destination, but we were on a budget ;) Hopefully I've made up for it with our other bucket list destination trips over the years? ❤️

Cat in a tent

Pepper is slowly getting used to the idea of camping…


Meanwhile, I’m playing around with my off-road app…

I customized the avatar for my Jeep :)

Day one of class is over

NOW Andy has a lot of studying to do!


I was in the middle of dictating texting…

…when Andy knocked on the hotel door, so I just went with the result!

All dressed up and ready to go!

The hotel (Drury) included breakfast AND dinner.  Here's Andy all ready for class on the first day after we had breakfast.  It's nice that he cared about the class enough to go up early, bring some nice clothes, and make sure he was rested and ready to go!  It was also super fun for me to be part of it too.



Andy hamming it up with a Jack Link.  He's on his first business trip and offered to let me tag along❣️ We were catching some relaxation after we arrived before he heads off to class the next day.

The moon greeting me at my hotel

Not too bad for a phone camera and just standing in the parking lot!

Surprised I get 1,000 views on a LONG off-road video

I find the statistics and what gets watched to be interesting for some reason.

Heading to Columbus to hang with Andy for the week :)

The weather made the trip interesting!

Cold sunrises over the last couple weeks…


Church is celebrating 75 years.

For Julie and me it's over 30, but it is fun to see all the pictures and memories they're bringing up throughout the year.

The buckets have no use…

For the first time in many decades, I don't have to remember to put the buckets back on the doors to cover up the ground hog holes…! It's been required since I was a kid…

We were determined to get it down in one day.

We did it! Even if it was 11:00 at night, haha. The doors look great, fit perfectly, and bear our initials.  I was impressed with all the planning, measuring, and cutting Andy did.  Everything fit perfectly and we never had to run back to the store for a single piece of wood or hardware.  Nicely done mister!

We HAD to make a “hat run” to Graeter’s

Since we were there… We decided we might as well have some ice cream!

I like this shot of Brutus sitting in the snow


The best part was the father-son teamwork all day❤️

Somehow, he managed to bend his favorite speed square!

He was bummed because it was my Dad's and he uses it all the time at work.  Good news, we managed to straighten it up and he said it was actually even better than before the "incident"… :)

I think I was the helper most of the day

Here's Andy doing some of the painting work on the barn doors.

It’s official, even Siri can’t tell for sure if you’re looking at Andy or me…?❣️


It’s official, we got to meet Andy’s “friend”

Andy and Sophie are "official" now after hanging out for more than a year.  Each of them were wondering if the other would go out with them if asked… Sounds like someone else I know (David & Julie) We're thrilled!  


Ice cream and the sunset!

Of course we had to take a break to run and replace Andy's worn our Graeter's hat.  And of course we had to grab some ice cream while we were there.  Our excuse (true) was we were waiting for the pain to dry. 🤪

Next up, get the supplies!

The most expensive part was the trim for the edges!  Over $1 per foot! But we decided to replicate them exactly for nostalgia's sake. ❤️

We had to make room in the garage

AND the barn.  Andy sook the opportunity to ram around in the snow on the ATV.  It's fun to see the loops around the bushes by the barn.  I guess I was testing out ALL my four wheel drive vehicles, hahaha.

Christmas fun

For Christmas, Andy offered to help me rebuild the barn doors!  And so it begins.  We decided to try and get it done in a Saturday.  We started around noon.  First up, get the old hardware off so we can reuse it…

What are we up to now…

The next adventure with Andy begins…


Chloe is the master of the emotional wrinkle face!

She can use it for sad, bored, sleepy, or just relaxed, hahahaha.  This one happens to be her happy face❣️

A cool view of a nice setting in our house.

I like Julie's bugs and our combination of antique and hand crafted furnishings.

I’ll see if this is any better…

Still trying to get a couple of my grease joints to free up.  This stuff is supposed to be the bomb when combined with a grease piston and hammer…!

I’m up next

I was there to present some tips for getting engineering support to a couple districts of our sales team in Nashville.  

Blazing a new trail

I had to get my Crosstrek out and blaze a trail to the auxiliary parking spot since I was heading on a longish road trip a week or so ago.  I was glad for my Subaru's all wheel drive for sure!


I liked the still photo version too.

I like the way the blue lights of my Jeep reflect off the snow.