
The right number of ducks…?!

Whew, I was there for three hours and only got two ducks…

I went the Jeep cruise-in at Young's Dairy this past weekend.  They had almost 800 Jeeps show up.  Lots of people were out there handing out ducks.  There seems to be an inverse relationship between how tough your jeep is, how much you off road it, and how many ducks you get.  So while they're kind of cute and fun once in a while, you don't really want many ducks.  I have a couple from over the last year or so that have special meaning or were from special circumstances.  Only being given two ducks for the whole day is about right.  Contrast that with the Jeep in the bottom pic, and you start to see what I mean.  Theirs is more suited for parades. ;) Nothing wrong with that, just different uses/preferences. Hahaha.

It was good to have so many and so much variety to look at.  It gives me a good idea of the robustness of my build. There's really very little I'd change about mine currently.  Rear bumper perhaps, maybe a front, but I'm really happy where it is overall.  It's pricing itself on the trails too!

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