
I just happened to see this for sale…

I was driving down loop road several evenings ago and saw this used, cool jeep.  I was just curious, so I stopped to take a look and realized I liked the scene with the sunset and flag in the background. These sure look nice, but they're too complicated, too big, and WAAAY too expensive to be practical for tearing up on the trail.  Of course, mine's not working at the moment, so who am I to complain about the suitability of this one.

For all you asking about my Jeep, I had a wrist pin failure in one cylinder of my Jeep engine. That's the thing the that holds the piston to the connecting rod and lets it flex back and forth as the engine rotates. So, I'm going the rebuild route. A local shop will rebuild it. It's the simpler and more economical way to go as opposed to buying a commercial rebuild or new built. So at least it's the lesser of the more serious things that could be wrong ;)

My jeep buddies said, "oh that's good, you'll be back on the trails in no time".  Easy for them to say, but encouraging nonetheless.  I will probably do a clutch job, fix the under-geared situation (less strain on the engine), and add some cheap automatic differential lockers while it's torn into.

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