
Family travel…

In the upper right, you can see the wood inlay framed picture that my grandpa bought when they visited NewenSchwanstein Castle in Germany in 1971, just a year after I was born.

In the rest of the picture, you see my photo of it from my visit more than 35 years later.  I never knew they had seen it until going through stuff my mom had stored and finding the picture.  It's neat to think of us both walking around and marveling at the structure and beauty of the architecture and the setting.  

Even cooler is the bridge pictured in both the in-lay and my lower left picture. This is what I walked across to climb the mountainside to get my picture.  Maybe they did to?

And here is how I have my picture alongside theirs in my office.  Now I just need to get a copy of my dad’s lighthouse and add it alongside one of mine.  


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