
The rain brought down a lot of the leaves this week.

My cyborg is showing...

I took this picture in a hotel room mirror because I thought it was cool how the light reflected in my eye. I thought it made it look like there was some kind of circuitry in there or something. Haha.



Fun in the sun this past weekend.

I am surprised by how much I use these machines to get work done around the place too. A nice bonus out of the fun.

This doesn’t sound like something you want to eat...?

It sounds more like something you hope doesn't happen in your underpants! Hahaha. I had to try them anyhow. Pretty good actually. ;)


Are you tired of the fall views yet?

It won't be long until the leaves are all gone, but I sure enjoy it while they're here and colorful.

I got a free nail and car wash in the process of getting Julie’s tire fixed...

We'd been noticing it was leaking slowly. Now we know why! Luckily, it could be patched and we're good to go. :)


A couple planets aligned with the moon from my mom’s house.

The moon decided to duck behind some clouds just as I was getting ready to take the picture. I thought it turned out kinda cool anyhow.

Chungus peeking out of her nest box...


We had summer sausage made from some of Andy’s deer and it is REALLY good!

I had to go after another yellow-jacket hive recently.

My mother in-law found one in her front flowerbed. Wasp spray, fire, and then stuff the hole with clay... Hopefully that's enough to deter them! I protected the hosta during the fire and even put some of the rocks back so it looked nice. :)


I like this picture of Johnny and me just sitting, talking, and enjoying breakfast together.

Johnny and I enjoyed breakfast and even having CONDIMENTS on the table and real silverware!

Johnny and I got a chance to vote together this past week.

It was his first voting. It was nice to be able to spend the time together. The good news is Warren county was efficient and the crowds were low in the middle of the morning in the middle of the week. I don't think we ever stopped moving and were on the way out twenty minutes after arriving.


Julie and I are having fun ramming all around the ranch on our machines!

I got the one of the red ones all fixed up and working great and have it for sale at the street. Two is plenty!

It was fun to enjoy Ian’s birthday from afar yesterday.

Nice to see you again buddy and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


The fall colors are AWESOME!

I thought I would record some of the fun we’re having with ATVs around the place.

 Still shifting around to find the right ones.  Had some trouble with one of them so you’ll see a different one here.  I’ll be selling one of them, once I get everything worked out.


Chippy has really figured out her treadmill!

 Instead of getting flung off if she gets behind, she’s figured out she can just jump ahead and keep going. :) She seems to love it and spends lots of time exercising every morning.

A couple weeks ago I jammed a big splinter under my cuticle bed...

It broke off and remained lodged in there.

This week, my finger decided it was tired of it being in there and pushed it out. I have it laying about where it was in my finger... The good news is that it didn't really hurt that bad, and feels better to be gone!


Meet Chungus, Julie’s newest “baby” rescue squirrel.

I say "baby" because Chungus is a fox squirrel. They're much bigger than the ones we normally see around here. I call this a "Lakeside squirrel". She's really sweet. Loves to be petted.

I was heading out to get some drone shots on my ATV.

 This was the picture just before takeoff.


I ate out with Johnny Sunday night at Roosters.

All the TV monitors were reflecting off the Covid screens and it made it seem like there were three times more games on than normal. Haha.

The sunrise out front, from this weekend.


I enjoyed the weekend!

Some productivity, some fun, and some nice sunsets. :)

It sure was a beautiful, fall weekend!


A perfect country moment use for my trailer...

Hauling an ATV and a deer off to processing, at the same time. ;)

It was a quarter til a cheese Friday night...

You know what that means...Skyline time!

Andy’s first day out hunting yesterday...!

Looks like we'll be eating a decent amount of venison over the winter! He was only out there for an hour and a half! Crossbow.

Doing some “just for fun” math problems with Andy.

Goal is to find the area of the triangle A.


Janice made this nice plaque for her front door.

It's an adaptation of a design that was considered for the US flag. I like how she did the cross in "to". I also like the subtle texture in the tree and shading on the background.

Just show a little more of the sense of humor at our favorite gas station and eatery... :)


Johnny in his element....

The lady ahead of me had two whole cart-loads in her order, so I figured I better equal things out for my order. One whole Kinder Egg. ;)

I upgraded some headlights, repaired a taillight, and the new tires were needed.

Looking pretty good. Now I just need to figure out the oil circulation problem with Julie's. That's ok, it gives me something to tinker with.


Fall! Nice colors, and nice weather!

I’ve been slowly working on repairs for our machines.

This weekend, it's new tires, some maintenance items, and a couple replacement parts. Julie came out to use hers while I was in the middle of changing ties and claimed I had made hers "undrivable". Haha, I think she might be right. The best part was fitting six old and six new in her car to get them mounted.


While I was mowing last week, my eye caught a flash of light in the woods.

I backed up to see what it was, and found a tiny spot of sunset somehow managing to make it through 100 yards of trees to still get to me. :)

I got to work with Johnny all day yesterday, at work... ;)

Johnny says it doesn't look a think like him. Julie says it's because he's Johnny 1! Haha.

Just Pepper in another silly pose!



Catching up on some emails for work on the back porch.

Enjoying the mums a friend gave Julie and her mom. “Muns fer yer mum” ;)

Andy is on the hunt...

This guy has been spotted on my neighbor's game cam most evenings recently. Andy has been wanting to learn hunting and our neighbor is willing to let him go for this one!

Johnny was out in our woods a few nights ago and startled something big up out of it's bed. We're guessing this might have been what it was.

It’s pretty cute to see a baby chipmunk fall asleep in Julie’s hands...!

The boys named her Chocolate Chip. Last night when Julie opened her cage, Chocolate Chip ran and leapt onto Julie's shoulder to say hi!


You’re probably getting tired of me posting similar views every year?

I just like that these two or three trees start changing before everything else. The barn, the fall clouds, it just combines to make a nice view if you ask me. ;)