
In case you were wondering why I didn’t post yesterday...

They boys and I were frantically working on replacing the pumps for our sump pump. If you have ever wondered just what pumping water at 70 gallons a minute looks like... Just run down in your basement and take a look. It's a much better visual if the primary pump has failed, and the outlet of the backup pump has decided it doesn't need to be connected under the strain. Imagine the movies where you see a fire hydrant broken off... Julie awoke to the sound of THAT jet stream of water reaching all the way from the basement floor sump pump pit up to and bouncing off the ceiling of the basement. This happens to also be the underside of the floor right where Julie happened to be! She said she thought a tornado and thunderstorm was hitting the house all at once!

Luckily, it didn't run too long before I sprinted from across the street and killed the pump power, but it managed to short out the water heater, kill some of my electronic tools, and give the workshop area a nice cleaning. Going back to my "luck favors the prepared", my dad always taught me to have a reserve pump. We were able to quickly yank the normal/failed pumps and drop in the reserve. That kept the floods at bay while we repaired/replaced the main octopus of pumps, valves and pipes.

Today I'll see if I can dry out the water heater controller or I need to replace it or the whole heater...

I had noticed the primary pump taking a little longer to empty the water and thought I better replace it this weekend... Well, after yesterday, we now have a new primary, secondary and reserve pumps.

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