
My family are such nerds we had to celebrate Tau day.

March 14 (3.14) is π (Pi) day. π is the ratio of a circle's radius to it's circumference, but it you multiply a circle's radius by π you only get a half circle. So τ (Tau) was made as 2π (6.28) so that when you multiply the radius by τ you get a whole circle. I think is was only done so that on June 28 you have an excuse to eat a WHOLE pie 🥧...!

This is a Strawberry Pie Baby that Johnny made for Andy and I when we stopped by Frisch's just to have some τ ;) They have Key Lime too, so we took one to-go for Julie. Funny thing is, when we got home, we realized Julie had brought home little pies for each of us too. So, I had one to eat on 6.29 as well!

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