
My family are such nerds we had to celebrate Tau day.

March 14 (3.14) is π (Pi) day. π is the ratio of a circle's radius to it's circumference, but it you multiply a circle's radius by π you only get a half circle. So τ (Tau) was made as 2π (6.28) so that when you multiply the radius by τ you get a whole circle. I think is was only done so that on June 28 you have an excuse to eat a WHOLE pie 🥧...!

This is a Strawberry Pie Baby that Johnny made for Andy and I when we stopped by Frisch's just to have some τ ;) They have Key Lime too, so we took one to-go for Julie. Funny thing is, when we got home, we realized Julie had brought home little pies for each of us too. So, I had one to eat on 6.29 as well!

Coming in for a landing and thought this made a cool view

Shadow is looking pretty relaxed...!


The storm is coming...

We discovered that Paul keeps Jane in line with an occassional punch to the nose...!

You can see the fun of my golf outing and the 50th wedding anniversary bash here:
I know, strange events to combine into one album, but it was all in one day... ;)

A barely discernible pile of fluff!


We all wanted to see Toy Story 4, this past weekend.

It's silly sitting there rooting for the toy's lives, but good clean fun for the family. Funny that the boys have grown up on that franchise and still want to see it at 16 and 17! The story line kind of represents what you go through in life raising kids too. Growing, maturing, changing.

A view of the bell tower. I can remember it ringing on July 4th 1976.

I stumbled onto a freshy Subway in my travels. Looked pretty nice. Andy was a little jealous. ;)


“Laundry makes me mad!”

I stopped for dinner on the way home Saturday. It was fun to be waited on by and chat with Johnny and his co-workers.

The only kind of golf shot I can do well... ;)

I took this picture of my colleague during a customer outing this weekend. You can see the ball right between the red tees, just over the trees.


I got to enjoy celebrating my Aunt and Uncle’s 50th wedding anniversary yesterday.

They even cut a cake and fed each other again.  The cake topper was on their mom and dad’s 50th anniversary cake.

If it keeps raining, all of Ohio might end up under water...!

It is so flat up near Indian Lake that water just leaks out everywhere. Many of the roads were closed in the Wed-Fri time frame, last week.

This is what I was taking a picture of. While I was hanging out the front window, Emily was hanging out the back one. :)

If you look closely at the previous picture, you can see the capital building (Lansing) on the screen.


Julie hatched a giant leopard moth. Actual picture of hers in the upper left.

Her mom found it still in it's little capsule. Julie kept it until it emerged. I pasted a picture of the one she incubated into the Moths of Ohio Field Guide. :)

Centerville city center and my church growing up.

I remember being in town hall temporarily during the big remodel.

What am I taking a picture of and how did I get this picture...?

Thanks for the cool shot, Em!


So, what’s your first solo mission as a new driver...?!

Surprise your girl for a night out! He managed to coordinate a nice little plan to not only show up unexpectedly, but not need any parents for the outing...

I was right, that picture yesterday was the last time he'd be required to wait around to be picked up by one of us. Maybe he can start returning the favor now. ;)

Proud of and love you Johnny!

We have a new licensed driver in the house!

He even managed a perfect score on the driving test!

When you’re chicks aren’t always in the nest with you any longer...

It WAS a big day yesterday. Another big step toward independence for John.



A unique sunset view.

Fun place to hang with my boys... A bank vault!

I used to keep my savings here and clean this bank when I was a kid. Now it's one of my favorite coffee shops.

Check out those eyes!

More from the local tornado damage...

If you have already seen my current album, you can pick up where I added more by using the link below:
This is the devastation around the I-75 and State Route 4 area as well as Gateway Park.


One of my favorite meals, and a perfect day to have it, yesterday. I love my family. It was so fun to spend the day hanging out together!

All the fun and excitement of the closing ceremony of VBS 2019, the Incredible Race!


So good to see all the VBS kids enjoying VBS, the message, and Pastor Boo so much.

You can really see all the colors and fun of the production in this shot.
Here he is sealing his fate with the announcement of the mission offering results... Johnny saved a year's worth of his tithe to go to the Operation Christmas Child cause. They met their goal which means Pastor Boo gets dunked...!


THIS is the father’s day life! Hangin’ with my fam!

They're treating me like a king!

Andy’s newest kendama. Meet Kaiju, Japanese for strange monster...!


Celebrating Father’s day with my family this weekend.

Missing my dads, but enjoying the life they gave me. I love my family. All of them. My wife, my kids, my moms, my sisters, & their kids!

Andy has been waiting for Sweets Kendama to restock these for about two weeks...

It's called Kaiju. In Japan, that means strange or giant monster. Same thing Godzilla is...! Fitting, haha.