
There is a message at the scene of this accident...

Tuesday, I happened to be walking up our driveway and witnessed a car flipping and rolling through the air, and coming to rest, on its top, facing the opposite direction, in the drainage creek, across the road.

This badge was thrown off the front of the car, in the process.

I called the squad while rushing to help. We found the female driver trapped because of the way the the car was laying upside down against both the sides of the V-shaped drainage creek. I managed to bend the door enough to get to her, and amazingly, she crawled out! She didn't have a scratch on her and was seemingly fine. Even the responding squad couldn't find a reason to transport her.

So, what is the takeaway?
1. God has a plan for your life and is watching over you. It just wasn't her time yet. Two weeks ago, very similar circumstances and the results were fatal, a couple miles up the road. It gave us a chance to pray with her and be a testimony. Take those opportunities to be a witness and also, let God use you in time you have.
2. Sometimes, it is your time to go. It is difficult to accept, but those left behind come to terms with the fact that it is still part of God's plan. He is there to comfort us as we come to terms with the new normal.
3. Be careful while driving! This all happened because she got a little bit of her wheel off the road. The ditch drug her into a culvert that sent her airborne. A tiny look down is all it takes to have disastrous consequences.
4. Safety mechanisms matter. They're waiting there to do their job, when you need it most. I spend a lot of my workday energy helping customers prove everything in the car is assembled the way it's supposed to be, especially the safety systems. It's good to see them working, in an instant, with miraculous results. Wear your seatbelt, and pay attention to safety ratings.

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