
Now I’ve got TWO guys taking driving lessons from dear old Dad!

Fun to see them learning, and to work through it together. :)

You know you live in the country when...

...you turn your back on the truck for 30 seconds and THIS happens!

Got lunch for two bucks, as part of Coffee Day, yesterday.

McD's was giving away sandwiches with the purchase of a coffee. :)

That was some INTENSE football. Especially this moment...!

Enjoyed the game with Andy and my mom, at her house. She got a look at all the yelling and craziness! ;)


Andy has been jotting down ideas for a comedy routine.

He started sharing it with Johnny and I, over breakfast, this week. Fun to see the way his humor brain works. ;)

Kitty mischief...

Isaac again :)


Blue skies

Cream cheese filled pretzels! Yum!

The creek on my friend’s property.

Seems like that little island would make a nice place to hide out. :)


I finally got to have fried mushrooms from Nick’s, in Xenia

My father in-law always raved about them from years back. Dad and I always talked about trying them again, but just never did. I took the opportunity to try them with my college buddy, Lee, over the weekend. They didn't disappoint! I miss my dad's though...

Dog fight anyone...?! ;)

My friend, Lee, and I were playing hide and seek with our drones and Johnny. I managed to take this shot of Lee's aircraft.

I liked the perspective of this shot.

Just cool with the path and contrast of the deer stand,


Watch out! He’s dangerous now... Did you know Zippos were considered to be skill toys?

Johnny's been wanting one for a while. We stumbled on several at the local outdoor/survival store. Now he's in hog heaven. Even used it to help start a bonfire, last night.

Andy and I were practicing kendama and I landed my first Lunar.

I even managed to hold it long enough to get a picture and repeated it so Andy could catch it on video. Fun times with the boys.

Checked out these new phones, over the weekend. Yeah too big, too expensive!

I'll just keep using my current one and save my money for something else...


Date night with Grammy!

My mom has been slowly vetting all these new "additions" to the family... It's nice that she wants to get to know them all. I think one of my nephews started the idea. Johnny had to catch up. ;)

Andy always adds a little fun to his notes... :)

It’s been fun sharing watch faces and hints, with Emily, as she got her watch setup


This ole guy might not be so bad... Landed my first lunar!


Imagine waking up and finding this, as you look out your window...!?

That's exactly what my mom did!


Dog in the cat rug, cat in the dog rug?

More of Isaac’s handiwork

From a while back, but I love the exposure both of the building and the sunset. Nice!


Oh the concentration at Emily’s birthday party!

Hey wait, it's cheating to steady yourselves by holding hands...👫

The stained glass windows I saw at our church...

It was part of a presentation, during worship, but I still thought it looked cool. ;)



Emily was having trouble getting her candles to stay out... ;)

What a crazily sweet gummy cake!

A blessing, miracle, luck? Or just God is good...?

My mower quit, while the boys were using it, earlier this year. I tried to start it, that day, but it wouldn't. As you may know, we've had a few things going on, over the last month to two. It's been a lot of work.

Anyhow, I go out to either fix it or load it on the trailer, last night. I was able to start it right up. I test mowed and all seems fine. I don't know if it flooded, or what, but I am glad to have it working again.

I'm pretty sure God just looked down on me and decided I needed one less thing on my ToDo list. ;) Thank you!


Now THAT was a proper college football game...!

A lot of back and forth, some crazy plays, a lot of hollering at the TV, and my boys and I enjoying it together. We were at the edge of our seats there for a little while...

The good news is, we were able to enjoy it together. I am happy for the fun times and traditions we're passing down.

The boys enjoyed a little ComiCon fun, with their friends.

Basically a convention for comic book and movie fans. Most peeps dress up as a character of some sort. Lots of Lego mini-figures too...?


NIce way to end the evening, last night

So fun to celebrate Emily's 13th birthday, with her and her friends, last night!

The laughter never stopped! Welcoming a few new girls to the group too... Pictured on each end, Izzy left (Zach) and Amanda right (Christopher)


Some pretty nice enhancements to the info available at a glance

Being a watch nerd before smart watches, this appeals to me. I always wanted to be able to have a watch face that had everything I wanted to know. I used to wish there was some kind of customizable watch... Now there is!

Switch the earth to moon phase. Trade UVI for stocks and the world clock for sunrise/sunset and it will be perfect!


If you know Andy, you know he has a few kendama....

He's been playing a game where I pick a random one, and he tries to guess it, by feel. So far, he's been four for four. I almost scored a point, last night, with this mashup... But he figured it out! DOH!

Spending time remembering Dad

Julie's friend, Diane, brought us some flowers to leave by the pond. Julie's Dad liked to come feed the fish.