
Correction, Johnny’s Pistol centerfire team got 2nd place in the state!

Here he is with one of the girls from the rimfire team. She just happens to be in a lot of the pictures of Johnny, these days...

From the head coach: The results are in and our Centerfire team made up of Max, Mitch and Johnny finished in 2ndPlace.  Outstanding!!!!  Individually overall, Max was 7th, Mitch was 8th and Johnny was 16th.  The is quite AMAZING considering the top 3 were collegiate level shooters and two were experienced varsity shooters..   I am so proud of these young men, and I am sure you are too.  Our Rimfire team finished 11th which was also quite remarkable considering we had two new shooters and one had gun issues.  Joslyn finished just below the top half of female shooters, Alex was in the top 2/3 and Ashton had ten shooters below him and a few were “Advanced” and experienced shooters.  

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