
2017 Ohio State SASP Match sets new record for participation | Buckeye Firearms Association

2017 Ohio State SASP Match sets new record for participation | Buckeye Firearms Association
This is the state match where Johnny's team took third place for centerfire pistol.  Nationals are in early July, at the same facility in Ohio, and is already breaking records.

2017 Ohio State SASP Match sets new record for participation

On May 20, 2017, the Ohio State SASP Match was held at the Cardinal Center in Marengo, Ohio. 120 individual shooters and over 200 entries (pistol and rifle) made this the largest single day match in the five year history of the program. Teams from Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky and Michigan participated in the match.

Scholastic Action Shooting Program (SASP) offers youth from 5th grade through college the opportunity to safely participate in our exciting team-based action shooting sports.

In the SASP Program:

  • Youth may participate using .22 rifles, .22 handguns and/or centerfire handguns.
  • Targets are steel circle or rectangular plates.
  • All courses of fire are timed events with squads of 4 athletes.

SASP is designed to instill in young people a set of personal values and character traits for fair play, compassionate understanding, individual responsibility, sportsmanship, self-discipline, and personal commitment. These qualities will stay with them throughout their lifetimes (just as will the sport itself), helping each young athlete reach his or her full potential.

In addition to the team pistol and rifle shooting, an individual side match consisting of a timed shotgun shoot on static targets and a revolving windmill target was available for awards and bragging rights.

Ohio is now ranked 3rd in the country for the number of registered athletes in SASP, and the program continues to grow. SASP Nationals will be held at the Cardinal Center on July 8th through July 15th, with teams from 38 states participating last year.

Sponsors for the 2017 Ohio State SASP Match included Buckeye Firearms Foundation, Cardinal Center, Charles Daly, GT Targets, Midwest Ammunition, Mad Duck/Gunsmoke Firearms Training and Range.

Range Safety Officers for the match were from the Well Armed Women of Mt. Vernon.

Thomas Kilbane is the SASP advisor for Ohio and the Head Coach of the Ohio Steel Stingers in Butler County, Ohio.

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