
We survived the first night in our recycled clubhouse.

We have one bunk bed (that's Andy on the right upper, my bed is below his), a bench/bed (Johnny is on that in the background of the picture, a table (old wire spool), a cabinet and counter top (from the old kitchen cabinet layout in the house) and two filing cabinets (not pictured-from when Valeo moved out of town). Quite the reuse project. The beds are made from dad's old sawhorses and the planks are from the First Baptist renovation in the late 70's... Heck, the trailer has even been recycled twice before (once as an anniversary present and the second time as a tool shed). The only thing I had to buy was the light.

The three of us enjoyed a cozy sleep to the sound of the rain on the roof last night. And now I have some proper room and organization taking shape in the barn.

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