
Are you a parking procrastinator?

Start the New Year right... Backing Up


Are you one of those people who always pulls head first into a parking space? You are? … I was afraid of that. I hate to say it but you may be guilty of procrastination parking. 

Now, I don't mean to pick on you for the way you park. I'm actually more concerned with the way you start your day. Here’s what I mean. Backing into a parking spot is hard - at least harder than pulling straight in - but so is backing out. Whether it’s now or later, you will have to back up and it will be challenging.

Having spent many years as a highly successful procrastinator, I can attest to the fact that putting off a hard task brings only short term satisfaction. And that satisfaction quickly erodes into stress and worry about what still lies ahead. Those feelings of fear can render you unproductive in even the simple and easy tasks. A double whammy! 

I had a teacher that used to say "swallow your biggest frog first". I have no idea why someone would ever want to swallow a frog, but I get the point - tackle your biggest challenge first. When you do, not only will you find that everything else is easy after that, but you will be encouraged by your accomplishment and that motivation can help carry you throughout the day. 

So how do you break the procrastination cycle? You start by changing your behavior in the small things. Make a choice to put off the easy stuff till later and complete that one task you dread. You’ll be thrilled with the results! 

Starting the New Year right is easy. You can begin right in the parking lot!

Submitted by Gary Weldon


My two cents: And you never know when you might be leaving in a rush or emergency.  At that point, you’ll be really glad you only had to pull out forward.


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