
If National Debt was your household budget

If only the government understood this...

Ohio Tea Party
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If National Debt was your household budget      

Dear Fellow Citizens and Taxpayers,
In case you'd forgotten - some perspective on the incredible size of the US financial problem and what Congress is doing to fix it.

. U.S. Tax revenue: $2,170,000,000,000
. Fed budget: $3,820,000,000,000
. New debt: $ 1,650,000,000,000
. National debt: $14,271,000,000,000
. Recent budget cuts: $ 38,500,000,000

Remove 8 ZEROS and pretend it's a household budget:

. Annual family income: $21,700
. Money the family spent: $38,200
. New debt on the credit card: $16,500
. Outstanding balance on the credit card: $142,710
. Total budget cuts: $385

Less than a half percent cut on spending makes no difference whatsoever, but Congress thinks they are actually doing something. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

Unless Congress starts looking to fix the areas that account for over 70% of the federal budget (Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Defense Spending and payment on the National Debt) and begins fixing our monetary policy (stop printing trillions of dollars backed by nothing and manipulating interest rates which destroy a free market) - nothing is going to change.

If this isn't fixed very soon - we'll need to stop asking the question "will" an economic collapse occur?

And, start asking the question "when" will an economic collapse occur?

Obama has been detrimental to the United States, but he isn't the only enemy.

Big and expansive government along with those who support it are the enemies of freedom. Whether they be R's, D's or anything in between. Those who support central planning and collectivism as witnessed from the numbers above are killing the Republic and have been for years - well before Obama was ever in office.

Thanks to Linda Wilson from Warren County tea parties for providing this information. Great perspective.

Update on Issue 3, Healthcare Freedom Amendment Campaign, Need for Donations to Close Campaign

The campaign is just over $1,000 short of the $5,000 goal to close the campaign.

They need some help in getting money together to cover year-end expenses. The original goal was $5,000. Original message below.

I think we'd all agree this was an incredibly important issue for Ohio, so please donate if you can. Message below.

Thanks for everything you did to support healthcare freedom in Ohio.


Without your support and dedication, passage of the Ohio Healthcare Freedom Amendment would never have been possible.


Given your dedication to date, Ohioans for Healthcare Freedom has one final request - can you spare one final donation to help us shut down the organization and cover final expenses?


Donate Here


Ohioans for Healthcare Freedom incurred no debt during the campaign, but because the campaign spent every dollar in every possible area right down to the wire - we need about $5K to pay final expenses and shut down the campaign. Those expenses include:


- Final accounting and legal expenses

- Final office and overhead expenditures


I know $5K doesn't sound like a lot of money for a statewide campaign, but as you know - no special interests nor forced dues made funding for the Ohio Healthcare Freedom Amendment campaign possible.


We relied on the sacrifice of freedom loving people across Ohio, and continue to place our faith in those same people right now.


We ask for your help once again. Please help us reach that $5K goal and donate today.


You can also mail a check to:

Ohioans for Healthcare Freedom

145 East Rich Street, Suite 101

Columbus, OH, 43215 


Thanks for everything you did to make healthcare freedom a reality in our great state of Ohio.

Do not give in to evil, but proceed ever more boldly against it. 
Chris Littleton
Paid for by Ohio Tea Party PAC
PO Box 11241
Cincinnati, OH, 45211
Treasurer: Melodie Johnson

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