
The debt deal summarized

Here's a summary of what just happened, and it's much worse than you thought…
In order to justify increasing the debt limit, and therefore placing the US deeper into bankruptcy, Washington didn't make ANY real spending cuts… All they did was promise to spend LESS than they were planning to spend in the future…

"Dear American's, as your responsible leaders working to solve the debt crisis we have placed upon you, we promise to increase the amount of debt you and your kids will owe by just $2 Trillion, instead of the planned $4 Trillion… But that's only if things go as planned. If something important comes up like another war, or if Air Force One needs a new $500,000 toilet, we reserve the right to spend whatever we want…"

Oh… And one more thing… As a part of this grand debt deal, we're including some legislation that creates a "special committee", which will be able to circumvent all normal democratic principles. Any issue related to the budget or tax-cutting cannot be debated or amended by the rest of Congress or the Senate to ensure quick and decisive action in the future. Don't worry about that "voting" thing any more. We know it's always been a big inconvenience for you, so we're just going to forget about the whole unnecessary process…" – Your loving Congress

Ahhhh…. Can you smell the Constitution burning my Amerikan comrades? 

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