
The boys tried to stay up "all night", last night ;)

This where I found Andy.It looks like they had some popcorn too.




I love my boy!

I love my boy! by FlickPics88
I love my boy!, a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.

We're sitting here watching Johnny's TV show, together, in the King of the Castle chair. He's got his hand on mine and besides looking the same, he keeps rubbing it mindlessly. Sweet snuggles!

I think natural gradients are awesome

The boys have been having non-stop fun with Bucky-Balls

This is Johnny's latest creation, hanging in front of his monitor.


"This hurts, a little, you know..."

So, Johnny...

So, Johnny... by FlickPics88
So, Johnny..., a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.

I come home today, and Johnny is begging me to find something for him to do to earn a few bucks. I come up with a task and he earns some money. After tithing and saving 10% He goes to Meijer and buys himself a Lego set. He then gives Andy the remainder because he knew Andy was wanting to save up and buy a silver quarter. All his own idea! Nice kid!

Top to bottom, then left to right.

When you compare his concept to the final product, it' really pretty good!

Why are these white-prints? "Because I didn't have any blue paper...". Haha!

It works...

It works... by FlickPics88
It works..., a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.

Circulating petitions, voting, getting involved. It has an effect.

Health care amendment, estate tax, SB 5, concealed carry changes. Keep it up! Together, we will get the country back the way it was meant to be and not the way a bunch of radicals want to make it.

"No, you can't!"

Here's to winning, again, this season...!



The boys were soooo impressed by my Swiss knife from Switzerland!

His "water filter"

His "water filter" by FlickPics88
His "water filter", a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.

He designed it, and built it. He was very insistent on EVERY detail!

Andy and I are working on his project!

He even drew up a blueprint.

The dog days of summer aren't so doggy anymore. ;)

Andy's doing shelf repair. All by himself, using his own tools!

Andy pulled all this ray's hair off!

A bucket O babies

A bucket O babies by FlickPics88
A bucket O babies, a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.

Only Andy for lunch today

Only Andy for lunch today by FlickPics88
Only Andy for lunch today, a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.

Abigal is reciprocating Johnny's invitation from last week so we have a day without one son.

The lobby of PPC from above.


Andy reads his paper. Gets a massage too.

The boys both have new school desks this year

They're getting big enough that their old school table wasn't gonna work. So we cleaned out one of the old Delco desks for Andy and went shopping at Larrick's for Johnny. They're thrilled!

Now THAT's just cool.

Now THAT's just cool. by FlickPics88
Now THAT's just cool., a photo by FlickPics88 on Flickr.