
Obama: Small steps, big changes

Ok, I don't care what the issue is...! But when you have the President sitting down with activists and his officials and devising a plan for how to change our country in secret "without having to fight about it with congress"... Well, you have a SERIOUS problem and should be VERY afraid.

Remember, this isn't some right wing wacko Tea Party theory that this is happening. It is in the Washington Post. They don't seem to have a problem with it either...
Gay visitation order shows how Obama brings big change with small actions

By Michael D. Shear
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, April 17, 2010
President Obama's decision Thursday night to grant same-sex couples hospital visitation rights is the latest and most visible example of a strategy to make concrete steps toward equality for gays and lesbians without sparking a broad cultural debate or a fight with Congress.

The approach has angered some of the president's fiercest supporters, who are eager for bold change.

Soon after Obama's election, staffers from the Human Rights Campaign presented the transition team with a list of 70 actions the president could take without congressional approval.

The activists sat in a room at the transition's headquarters as a stream of soon-to-be officials with the departments of Justice, State, Labor and Health and Human Services rotated in for discussions, according to several of those present. Melody Barnes, who now heads the president's domestic policy council, sat in, too.

Over the next several months, the administration quietly began acting on the recommendations: The State Department started issuing embassy ID cards to same-sex partners of diplomats; Housing and Urban Development ended discrimination in housing assistance programs; HHS pledged to change its policies regarding HIV-positive visitors and immigrants.

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