
If this doesn't scare the crud outta ya...

...then you deserve what you get.

It all sounds so nice... Until you hear the little , scary part. I'll give you a hint, it's the last sentence, yeah the one where the president openly admits to taking 68 billion from private business because he wants to...
The bill Obama signed into law overhauls higher education financing, doubling funding for Pell grants, allowing students to borrow directly from the government and easing payment structures once they graduate. Loan repayments will be capped at 10 percent of a graduate's salary, down from the current 15 percent cap, starting in 2014. The bill, Obama said, will save the country $68 billion that would otherwise have been spent on "the middle men" -- financial institutions that previously managed the loans.
Anyone wonder why this was coupled with the health care reform so we wouldn't notice what might be in the shadows?

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